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Emergency Action Plan

OSHA Emergency Action Plan Training & Development

The Industrial Consultants, LLC Emergency Action Plan Development and Training Course is offered to help facilities prepare for unexpected hazardous substance releases as well as other anticipated emergency situations at their local facility.

When an anticipated release occurs, this development and training helps minimize damage to the company and the personnel working at the facility.

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Ready to get started? Our team is standing by to help with your safety training needs.


What Is An Emergency Action Plan?

Many companies house hazardous substances, such as anhydrous ammonia, that could potentially be released at their facilities.  Other disasters such as fires, earthquakes, tornados, or various other types of inclement weather could occur at a facility as well.  Since these events are beyond our client’s control, it is necessary to develop an Emergency Action Plan as specified by OSHA, so our clients have a way to promptly and safely respond to any emergency situation.   

An Emergency Action Plan is based on anticipated events, therefore both OSHA and the EPA enforce regulations regarding evacuation procedures.  This plan must address the methodology to help control the situation at hand.

Emergency Action Plan Training Course


OSHA 1910.38


4 - 8 Hours


This course is designed to meet the requirements of OSHA for training of the designated actions employers and employees must take to ensure employee safety from fire and other emergencies.


This course covers:

  • Emergency escape procedures
  • Emergency escape route assignments
  • Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate
  • Procedures to account for all employees after emergency evacuation has been complete
  • Rescue and medical duties for those employees who are going to perform them
  • The plants means of reporting fires and other emergencies

Who Should Attend

Members of management, maintenance, safety, production, human resources and security. A good cross section can contribute greatly to the overall effectiveness of any emergency action plan.

Emergency Action Plan Checklist

The following items are some of the actions that must be addressed in the EAP:

  • Designated safe places of refuge
  • Accountability procedure for all personnel that are on site at the time of the emergency
  • Necessary calls to the fire department and local and state emergency numbers
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Facility site assessment

Industrial Consultants, LLC has helped to prepare Emergency Action Plans for many facilities.  This preparation includes the development of the plan or a review of the client’s developed plan.  It also includes recommendations to comply with any OSHA-required elements.

The Industrial Consultants, LLC Approach

Industrial Consultants, LLC tailors this training specifically to each of our clients, accounting for the needs of their particular facility. When our instructors come to the facility, they bring years of real-world experience and knowledge. This translates into a better written Emergency Action Plan that is easy to use and helps ensure employee health and safety.

Industrial Consultants, LLC has assisted, trained and reviewed hundreds of Emergency Action Plans over the years and we look forward to many more years of serving our clients.