Level I Refrigeration Operator
Ammonia Refrigeration Training
Companies are required to have trained, qualified, and authorized employees for the operation of their refrigeration systems. The more training and experience the operators have, the less chance of an extended outage of the system resulting in a loss of production and product.
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Why Is Ammonia Refrigeration Training Important?
Any company looking for a reliable refrigeration system needs to be trained accordingly. This course teaches the operator to recognize potential problems before they become events, leaving the company without the cooling process and/or causing a potential off-site release of ammonia.
OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) will issue violations concerning operator training if found in non-compliance. Additionally, lack of trained employees who do not understand the function of the refrigeration system and its components produce equally grave consequences.
OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) will issue violations concerning operator training if found in non-compliance. Additionally, lack of trained employees who do not understand the function of the refrigeration system and its components produce equally grave consequences.
Level I Ammonia Refrigeration Operator Training
32 Hours
Level I Ammonia Refrigeration Operator Training is designed for all personnel who manipulate the ammonia refrigeration system. After completing this course, you should have a basic understanding of ammonia refrigeration principles (classroom) and demonstrate proficiency and competency with the operating procedures for your facility (hands-on). You will be awarded a certificate of completion after satisfactorily passing the examination given at the end of class. Refresher training should be conducted every three years or more often as necessary depending on the complexity and operation of the ammonia system.
This course covers:
- Theory of refrigeration including refrigeration cycles
- Fundamentals related to the design and operation of a refrigeration system
- Main components that make-up a refrigeration system
- Condensers and the effect weather has on the operation
- Compressors and the variations in operation
- Piping and controls
- Engine room safety covering proper ventilation and relief valves
- Purgers and purging of non-condensable from the system
- Properties of ammonia; how to properly handle it; and the use of personal protective equipment
- Methods of defrosting
- Troubleshooting your system
- Water treatment, including different types of fouling that can cause problems
Who Should Attend
Refrigeration operators and technicians, refrigeration and maintenance managers, safety, production, maintenance, security and other personnel wanting to gain a better understanding of ammonia refrigeration.
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