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First Responder Operations Level

8-Hour On-Site FRO Training Course

The First Responder Operational (FRO) Level is the minimum training required to help with a hazmat team. This training level also allows the facility to implement immediate defensive actions to protect life and property before additional resources arrive on the scene.

Keeping the release from spreading and preventing additional exposures is the main objective of this training.

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We are standing by to help with your hazmat training needs. We'll send our expert trainers to train you on-site: Anywhere, nationwide.


Hazmat FRO Training Delivered At Your Facility

This course is perfect for a team that has plenty of responders, but may lack the needed support and could use additional help suiting up team members. One 8-hour course will provide your team with all the help they need.

First Responder Operations Level Training


OSHA 1910.120(q)


8 Hours


This course is designed to meet the requirements of OSHA for training of first responder operations level personnel who will respond defensively to leaks for the purpose of protecting nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. This course is specifically aimed at ammonia users, but will relate to many other chemicals. It can be tailored to other specific chemicals in your workplace. OSHA requires that all personnel who are expected to respond in this fashion to spills or leaks must have this training.


This course covers:

  • Procedures for handling emergency responses defensively
  • Written emergency response plans and procedures
  • Hazards confronting responders
  • Material Safety Data Sheets and Terms
  • Health effects of Ammonia and other chemicals
  • How to prepare for emergencies and identify risks
  • How to decontaminate responders and clean up ammonia spills
  • Air Purifying Respirators
  • Conducting mock scenarios with operations level employees

Who Should Attend

Members of management, engineering, maintenance, refrigeration, safety, production, human resources and security. A good cross section can contribute greatly to the overall effectiveness of any emergency response team.

First Responder Operations Level Training

1 Day Course Schedule

Hazards That May Confront First Responders

Routes of Entry

Hazard Communications

MSDS and toxicological terms
Material Safety Data Sheet

Anhydrous Ammonia

Health Hazards
Physiological Effects of Ammonia
First Aid
Reactivity of Ammonia
Fire Hazards of Ammonia

Ammonia Spill Procedures

Reactivity of Ammonia

Description of an Ammonia Spill and Notification

Interaction with outside agencies and parties

Respiratory Protection

Areas of Respiratory Hazards
OSHA Respirator Regulations
Respirator Types
Fit testing if necessary

Preparing for an Emergency

Before, During, After
Emergency Action/OSHA regulations
Written Emergency Action Plan
Exits, Alarms
Written Fire Prevention Plans

Scenarios are planned that will simulate conditions indicating that a spill or leak has occurred. The personnel will assess the situation and determine what emergency equipment they will need to defensively stop the leak. Critiques will then be held to look for weaknesses or changes that should be made in future scenarios. All personnel will be given the opportunity to wear the air purifying respirators in practice

At the end of the class the attendees will be required to take an examination and upon satisfactory passing, will be awarded a certificate and a first responder operations level identification wallet card to be used when responding to actual spills.

Hazmat Ammonia First Responders

Why Choose Industrial Consultants?

Industrial Consultants, LLC is the leader in industrial hazmat training with over 30 years of NH3 safety experience. Our understanding of the issues and complications that can arise around hazardous materials housed in these types of facilities puts us ahead of the standard competition and fire training groups. 

8-Hour Hazmat FRO FAQs

The minimum training required to assist in the hazmat team is the 8-hour First Responder Operational Level course.

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