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Mechanical Integrity Inspections

Ammonia Refrigeration System Integrity Inspections

Companies are required to have trained, qualified, and authorized employees for the operation of their refrigeration systems. The more training and experience the operators have, the less chance of an extended outage of the system resulting in a loss of production and product.

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Mechanical Integrity Inspections

A thorough, independent visual inspection of the ammonia refrigeration system must be performed every five (5) years. This inspection will help to ensure that the refrigeration system is being properly maintained and operated. Further testing, such as non-destructive, can be warranted depending on the results of the independent inspection. Industrial Consultants can perform this visual inspection of your ammonia refrigeration system and assist in developing any further testing resulting from this inspection.

Mechanical integrity For Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

Mechanical integrity is a program to manage the critical processes of ammonia or other refrigeration equipment. This ensures that the refrigeration systems are designed correctly and are appropriate to provide their designated services safely and effectively. A detailed mechanical integrity program consists of the inspection as well as the testing of the equipment to ensure safe functionality and compliance. Inspection and testing will follow all the Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP).

Proper inspection of the ammonia refrigeration system will help to prevent ammonia leakage and also proves useful in the continued reliability of the system’s components. The program and service follow the IIAR Guidelines for inspection methods for the ammonia refrigeration system.

Industrial Consultants PSM Inspection & Compliance

In ammonia refrigeration systems, there are various areas that may require extra diligence within the inspection process, including:

  • Pitting and wall loss
  • Internal corrosions
  • External corrosions
  • Deterioration of insulation and coatings
  • Damage to relief valves
  • Pressure safety relief valve mismatch

Mechanical integrity inspection may utilize different types of NDT testing such as computed radiography (CR), pulse eddy current (IncoTest), ultrasonic inspection (UT), visual inspection (VI), liquid penetrant (PT), and magnetic particle inspection (MT). 

These measures help to identify any critical concerns such as corrosion, contraction or expansion, leakage, and / or physical damage. With our proven results, our clients may reduce the risk of leakage of ammonia refrigeration systems and also greatly enhance the safety surrounding their ammonia refrigeration system. Such inspections can also establish an anticipated corrosion rate, an identification of deficient components, and help to determine an approximate component’s lifespan.

Mechanical Integrity Inspections

Every five years, a completely detailed mechanical integrity inspection of the ammonia refrigeration system must be carried out.  Results are meant to show that the refrigeration system is working properly and is maintained as per equipment guidelines. Our inspections are conducted by trained and skilled mechanical integrity inspectors, who will review your operations, documentation, and equipment, and provide documentation on what was found and any recommendations.

What Is Checked In A Mechanical Integrity Inspection?

The mechanical integrity inspection oversees thorough visual inspection of the entire ammonia refrigeration and all the associated equipment. This will include visually inspecting for damaged vapor barrier or insulation failure. It tests the critical safety measures such as low oil pressure, low suction pressure, vessel cutouts, and high discharge pressure. It performs a thorough inspection of piping systems and insulation systems and verifies the emergency system E-stops. The inspection also verifies the documents of PSI by comparing the nameplates of the equipment to their documentation. Moreover, this inspection gives a written report about all the verification and recommendations made during the inspection.