First Responder Awareness Level
4-Hour On-Site FRA Training Course
This class is designed for employees who may be around or interact with a release when it occurs at their facility. These employees need to know the hazards present at their facility and how to react if a release were to happen.
This training helps ensure your employees will make the right decisions when it comes to the safety of your employees.
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First Responder Ammonia Awareness Training
OSHA 1910.120(q)
4 Hours
This course is designed to meet the requirements of OSHA for training of ammonia awareness level personnel. These are individuals who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release.
This course covers:
- Hazards that may confront emergency responders
- Hazard communication
- Material Safety Data Sheets and Terms
- Health effects of ammonia
- Ammonia spill procedures
Who Should Attend
Members of management, engineering, maintenance, refrigeration, safety, production, human resources and security. A good cross section can contribute greatly to the overall effectiveness of any emergency response team.
Ammonia Awareness Training 4-Hr Course Outline
Hazards that may confront Emergency Responders
Routes of Entry
Routes of Entry
Hazard Communication
MSDS and Toxicological Terms
Material Safety Data Sheets
Material Safety Data Sheets
Anhydrous Ammonia
Health Hazards
Physiological Effects of Ammonia
First Aid
Reactivity of Ammonia
Fire Hazards of Ammonia
Ammonia and Fire (Actual cases)
Physiological Effects of Ammonia
First Aid
Reactivity of Ammonia
Fire Hazards of Ammonia
Ammonia and Fire (Actual cases)
Ammonia Spill Procedures
A certificate of completion will be awarded to all attendees at the conclusion of the class.